Saturday, June 13, 2015

Mean People Really Do Suck…or Living, Breathing Free Radical

No, silly…a free radical isn’t the same thing as an uninhibited liberal.  In the simplest terms, free radicals are molecules responsible for aging and tissue damage, and maybe even disease. They float around and steal electrons from other molecules, which in turn causes that molecule to become a free radical, and the snowball effect ensues, creating havoc for your cells. 

Free radicals can cause damage to your cardiovascular system, immune system, brain, skin and organs – just to name a few.  They can cause cancer and most experts agree they lead to aging.
Those same experts would have you avoid smoking and drinking, eat a healthy diet, and get some exercise.  But what is one of the biggest troublemakers?  Stress.  And what is one of the biggest causes of stress?  Mean people.
We all know a few mean people, those energy vampires who try to suck the life out of everything good.  If you can, avoid these people at all costs.  But if you must be around them, try to limit the amount of time you spend with them, and remember to breathe.  Just breathe.  Take three deep breaths and feel sorry for them.  To be a mean person must be a miserable life.

And if you are a mean person?   Knock it off!  You’re shortening your own life, and maybe even the lives of the people around you.  Do you really want that on your conscience?

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