Saturday, June 20, 2015

My Mom “Likes” me!

My beautiful amazing mom “likes” me on Facebook.  She said she wished there was a button for “very, very much.”

Asking people to like me on Facebook takes me back to the sticky hand-holding friendships of grade school – when being liked was a matter of life and death and wearing the wrong socks could bump you to the “not cool” table.

How did we survive the growing up years?  It's a miracle we made it through, but it was all worth it to arrive at the grown-up friendships of today.  I am constantly amazed and humbled by the kindness, generosity, and love of friends – and count my mom as #1 on that list.

My funny, kooky, brilliant, beautiful friends have stood by me on the long road to being published.  They have held me (and Mom) on their strong shoulders as we lost my dad and both of my brothers.  They celebrate every little success with me as if it were their own (it is), and tell me when I have spinach in my teeth (most of the time).  They help me decide who will play each of my characters in the movie, and spend inordinate amounts of time deciding what we will all wear to the Oscars. 

They would help me hide a body (hopefully not necessary) and stood by me when cops pulled me over for driving through a barricade (kind of a long story).

If you don’t have good friends, try to find some.  If you haven’t been a good friend lately, maybe change that.  And if you know someone who could use a fabulous person like you as a friend, think about adopting them.  The to-do list can wait one more day.  Call a friend, send a funny card, meet for lunch, have a laugh.

At the end of the day, your “likes” on Facebook will come and go, but your true friends will walk with you down this windy, pot-hole filled road of life, to the end.

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